Articles for Technicians

While many of our articles are geared toward the general public,  the articles listed below are specifically intended for technicians.

  • The Color Brown – Featured Newsletter Article by Elizabeth Finch Howell, CPCP
    This article will help you to better understand and how to stay out of trouble with brown pigments.  The majority of clients want shades of brown eyebrows whether it is a blonde (the lightest of the brown tones,) a light brown (darker than blonde,) a medium brown, or a dark brown, (some bordering on the appearance of black.)


  • Combining Cosmetic Tattooing with Other Surgical Procedures – Featured Newsletter Article by Whitney D. Tope, MPhil, MD
    Frequently asked questions by cosmetic tattoo artists concern the advisability of performing cosmetic tattooing in association with other common surgical procedures. Does one negatively affect the results of the other? Can multiple procedures be performed at the same time or at different times? Which should be performed first? How long should one wait before performing the second procedure? The answers to these questions lie in understanding the individual procedures, the changes they create in the skin, and the timing of wound healing.

  • Good Blood/Bad Blood – Featured Newsletter Article by Marjorie Grimm, CPCP

    Frequently students, clients, or observers to Permanent Makeup procedures will become somewhat taken aback that there is blood involved with our procedures. There are those that even fear fainting from the sign of the smallest amount of blood, theirs or others.  But blood is important to us as it can tell us some very important things about our client.