SPCP Trainer/Supplier Guidelines


  1. Business shall comply with all state educational statues, zoning regulations, and health ordinances.


  1. Each trainer will have a minimum of five (5) years of permanent cosmetic experience and have completed a minimum of three hundred (300) procedures for each procedure type that is being taught and must be verifiable.
  2. Trainers will complete not less than sixteen (16) hours of continuing education over a two (2) year period. This may include attendance at conventions, virtual training, and other classes pertinent to the permanent cosmetics field.
  3. Each trainer shall have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
  4. Each trainer must attend a Train the Trainer program (offered at least once a year) and renew it every four years.
  5. Each trainer must maintain the Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional (CPCP) certification.

Program Levels of Training:

The following programs must be submitted as separate programs, and the trainer may apply to teach any or all of them:

  1. Fundamental Programs (eyeliner, eyebrows, lip liner, shaded lip liner is optional)
    1. All fundamental programs must be a minimum of 100 hours.
    2. A minimum of 65 hours must be theory and clinical – the remainder may be pre-study or home study.
    3. Theory may be taught via virtual training such as Skype and Zoom or another webinar-style instruction, but must be live.
    4. All hands-on instruction must be live, one-on-one in person, overseen directly by the trainer or their CPCP assistant.
    5. Six hands-on procedures are to be conducted by the fundamental student – not all need to be new work. There are many benefits to learning touch up work in a fundamental class. It is critical that the student obtains adequate skin time as well as set-up and tear down practice, client interviewing and assessment, design work and aftercare instructions.
    6. If a single procedure class is taught at a fundamental level, it still must meet the 100-hour requirements outlined above.
  2. Intermediate Programs (full lip procedures, basic areola complex pigmentation)
  3. Advanced Programs (camouflage/repigmentation – 100 procedures experience is required for the adequate skill necessary for camo, scalp, and 3D Nipple/Areola.
  4. Continuing Education Programs have no predetermined guidelines other than the student must have completed a permanent cosmetic fundamental program.


  1. The student must be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age and should have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent for the fundamental program.
  2. The student must document one hundred (100) brow and liner procedures and have completed an acceptable fundamental training program to take the above intermediate or advanced education classes.
  3. Compliance with all state, local, health, and educational rules is required.


  1. Each location will be maintained in a physically clean manner in accordance with a strict asepsis program.
  2. Fundamental program facilities must be licensed to conduct permanent cosmetic procedures if required.
  3. Each training facility must have on site an autoclave for student instruction and use, unless a pre-sterilized, disposable system is being taught exclusively.
  4. -shall be purchased from suppliers who are compliant with SPCP Pigment Guidelines*.
  5. The instructor may determine basic theory class size.
  6. Trainers will not oversee multiple procedures simultaneously. The student-to-trainer ratio for all hands-on training shall be one-to-one.
  7. Assistant (or guest) trainers for classroom presentations and overseeing hands-on procedures must be CPCP certified and have three (3) years of experience in permanent cosmetics.
  8. There will be hot and cold running water on site with separate bathroom facilities.


  1. Only new, sterile needles will be used for each procedure.
  2. Trainers will not teach the use of any tattooing device that cannot be sterilized by autoclave if parts that come in contact with pigments/inks or body fluids are not disposable.
  3. Client history/client information forms will be kept for five (5) years (or longer as required by state or local statutes) on each model. Trainers must ensure proper follow-up for each model.
  4. Each procedure taught at the fundamental or intermediate levels will consist of: A) a complete procedure demonstrated by the instructor and B) two procedures completed by each student. If fundamental, a total of six procedures are required, even if only one technique is taught.
  5. A complete procedure shall include client assessment, completion of client history and informed consent forms, set-up of the work area, start-to-finish procedure; clean up of the work area, before and after photos, and aftercare instructions to the client.
  6. A follow-up appointment should be scheduled after each procedure, with the recommended time for touch-up being at least four weeks (many choose six weeks).
  7. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) standards (or comparable) as applicable to permanent cosmetics and OSHA guidelines (or comparable) will be mandatory in the handling of all materials relative to the procedures.
  8. Any single-use products remaining after the procedure shall be disposed of after each client.
  9. New gloves will be worn for each client and changed as required by OSHA standards and when needed and for clean-up procedures.
  10. Each Fundamental Course of instruction shall consist of a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of instruction, including not less than sixty-five (65) hours of practicum and theory as outlined in Program Levels of Training above.
  11. Lip liner (or shaded lip liner) is optional at the fundamental level but if included, must be in accordance with section V.4.
  12. A file must be kept for each student and will include student information, an assessment of each procedure performed, model releases, photos, exam copies (if one is given), and the trainer’s final student evaluation.
  13. The trainer will be available for post-class support by email and/or telephone for one (1) full year. Each trainer should be prepared to offer additional contracted hours of training as required based upon the needs of the student as a separate class.



  1. Introduction to Permanent Cosmetics
    1. History of tattooing as it applies to permanent cosmetics (optional)
    2. Overview of the different types of machines and devices available
  2. Consultation
    1. Client profile
      1. Analyze the character of client and client selection
      2. Client expectations
      3. Discuss overall aspects of permanent cosmetics
    2. Medical history/client information form
      1. Identify potential problems for permanent cosmetics
      2. Determine when physician review is advised
    3. Consent forms
      1. Discuss informed consent
      2. Liability issues
  3. Office set-up
    1. Physical setting
      1. General Equipment
      2. table, chair, work surface, lighting
    2. A check for location/building requirements
  4. Disinfection and sterilization
    1. Equipment
      1. Discuss acceptable forms of sterilization
      2. Disinfectants and antiseptics
    2. OSHA and CDC guidelines (or comparable) regarding bloodborne pathogens
    3. Technician safety
      1. Hand washing
      2. Hepatitis B vaccination
      3. Gloves
    4. Proper handling of devices, needles, and pigments/inks
    5. Sanitary measures during procedure set-up
    6. Sanitary measures during procedure clean-up
  5. Client preparation
    1. Pre-procedure tasks
      1. Preparing the client’s skin
    2. Creating the procedure template
    3. Anesthetics
  6. Color and pigment/ink theory
    1. Knowledge and use
    2. Pigments/inks
      1. Preparing, pouring, mixing
      2. Storage
  7. Skin anatomy
    1. Composition/layers
    2. Healing process of the skin and its care
    3. Diseases, disorders, and conditions
      1. Infection
      2. Herpes
      3. Moles, warts, freckles
      4. Psoriasis, eczema
  8. Machine/manual device theory
    1. Review equipment for technical aspects
      1. Operation and maintenance
      2. Use: speed, pressure, angle
      3. Troubleshooting
    2. Evaluate the capabilities of equipment
    3. Only one type of machine/manual device will be taught at the 100-hour fundamental level once a preferred method is established.
  9. Needles
    1. Appropriate needle selection and applications
      1. Groups, numbers, and configurations
    2. Proper use in the skin
    3. Maintenance
      1. Preparation for sterilization if not pre-sterile when purchased
      2. Check for damage
      3. Storage and disposal
  10. Photography
    1. Rationale
    2. Equipment and methods
      1. Quality of photos
      2. Presentation
  11. Aftercare
    1. Client follow-up
    2. Forms and instructions to provide
  12. Procedure experience: two (2) of each complete procedure:  eyebrows, eyeliner (optional at the fundamental level – lip liner, shaded lip liner) with a total of 6.
    1. Review issues, discuss
      1. Facial morphology
    2. Work on practice medium
    3. Hands-on live model work
  13. Business set-up
    1. Basic business and marketing guidelines (optional)
    2. Insurance/liability


At least two beginning-to-end complete procedures on models must be provided for each student. The student must document one hundred (100) brow and liner procedures and have completed an acceptable fundamental training program to take continuing/intermediate education classes.

  1. Full Lips
    Overview of lip colors
    Lip structure, anatomy
    Diseases of the mouth
    Review basic issues, procedures
    Observe procedures
    Hands-on work
  2. Simple Areola Work (with nipple already in place)

Note:  The trainer is at liberty to teach each topic in any order or combination as long as each area of study is presented.


Advanced Education classes may be taught to students only if the student has completed a minimum of a one hundred (100) hour fundamental class. The SPCP recommends a technician complete 100 basic and intermediate procedures before proceeding to advanced work.

  1. Camouflage, scar correction, 3D areola tattooing
    1. Skin tones
    2. Overview of color-correcting pigments
    3. Review anatomy of the skin
    4. Atypical skin issues: disease, discolorations, growths
    5. Scars
    6. Review basic issues, procedures
    7. Observe procedures
    8. Hands-on work
    9. Follow-up

Note:  The trainer is at liberty to teach each topic in any order or combination as long as each area of study is presented.


Trainers who want to exclusively teach classes such as needle workshops, permanent cosmetic color theory, etc., must meet the guidelines required to teach at the Fundamental level under Section II Professional Background.


Trainers cannot certify their students unless allowed to do so as a formal part of a state’s educational system. Trainers who do not have state-sanctioned certifying educational programs may only provide certificates of completion of a training class. The following is an example of this requirement:

The certificates should be specific to the education and should make statements such as, “STUDENT NAME has successfully completed one hundred (100) hours of instruction in permanent cosmetics”; or more specifically “completed a XXX-hour program for permanent eyeliner and eyebrows (or as appropriate for the procedure type) procedures”, etc.  In this way, the insurance company will only insure the student for what is taught and the student must return for more training if they wish to perform fundamental procedures not previously taught, continuing education, intermediate, or advanced procedures.

Modified 2/1/2020


Note: SPCP Trainer Members must train with (or sell to students) pigments/inks that meet these guidelines.

  1. Formulation of Pigments/Inks:
  • Because laws are subject to change, it is the responsibility of all SPCP member pigment/ink manufacturers, supplier members, and trainer members to understand and abide by the laws specific to tattoo pigments in the regions where these products are sold and/or used for training purposes.
  1. Safety Data Sheets:
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) must be made available.
  1. Pigment/Ink Bacteria, Mold, Yeast, and Fungus Retardant Ingredient:
  • Pigment ingredients shall include a process or an ingredient that is known to retard the growth of bacteria, mold, yeast, and fungus.
  1. Pigment/Ink Container Labeling:
  • Pigment/ink container labeling shall, at a minimum, state: “For Professional Use Only,” and include the lot number, expiration date, and contact information and must conform to regulatory requirements.
  1. Patch/Spot/Pigment Test/Scratch Test:
  • If a manufacturer requires, suggests, or recommends a patch/spot pigment test/scratch test be performed, the manufacturer or distributor of that pigment/ink shall, upon request, provide detailed instructions in written format as to how to perform the testing procedure properly and how to determine the outcome.
  1. Pigment/Ink Ingredient Full Disclosure:
  • Full disclosure of all pigment/ink ingredients shall be provided on at least one of the following documents:
    1. The Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
    2. The Pigment/ink Label
    3. A Pigment/ink Full Disclosure List provided upon request

Modified 2/1/2020

SPCP Trainer Application Forms

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